OPPORTUNITY: SCP/RAC launches a call for soft-landing vouchers for start-ups in the textile sector

OPPORTUNITY: SCP/RAC launches a call for soft-landing vouchers for start-ups in the textile sector


The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), Lead Partner of the STAND Up! Project, financed by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED program , launches a call for soft-landing vouchers for early and growth stage start-ups in the textile and clothing sector that will offer them the opportunity to grow their businesses, access international markets in the Mediterranean region, establish an overseas sales presence and explore business opportunities and partnerships.

A total of 4 Spanish start-ups will be selected by SCP/RAC and will benefit from the soft-landing vouchers. Each voucher will have a value of 4.500 euros, directly reedemable in services designed to help start-ups expand their business in a foreign market. Concretely, the selected start-ups will be matched with a hosting organization or will attend conferences that will help them with entering new oversees market and with expanding.

The call is open for textile and fashion start-ups that meet the following criteria:

  • Registered and located in Spain.
  • In the initial and/or growth phase in the textile and clothing sector.
  • The objective of accessing an international market is clear.
  • It has scalability potential, is innovative and economically viable.
  • Has market potential and has a product/service on the market.
  • It has a clear social and environmental impact.
  • It has a unique value proposition and a clear revenue generation model.
  • Availability to travel is required.

Priority will be given to start-ups led by young people (up to 35 years old) and women with no age limit. (50% of the start-ups selected in this call will meet this requirement).

Interested start-ups in the call have to fill in the following application form: https://forms.gle/fsin5uvYBAFc82yb9

Deadline to submit Applications: 31st  March 2022.