Are you a finance institution?

Are you a finance institution?

Are you a finance institution?

The SwitchersFund Facility works with financing institutions to:

  • Identify finance needs, gaps and investment opportunities to smoothly provide funds to entrepreneurs.
  • Increase the support for facilitating access to finance for green start-ups.
  • Support pilots, experimentation and innovation in the area of financing of circular business.
  • Tailor enterprise support and technical assistance towards increasing the number of successful green start-ups.

over time:

  • Provide inputs for the development of specific guarantee schemes.


Are you a private sector investor?

The SwitchersFund Facility works with private sectors to:

  • Build the capacity of the investment officers to better understand circular business models
  • Involve the investment officers in the development of the financial aspects of the projects
  • Provide access to our green portfolio