
1. Description

Name of the organisation Speed
Typology Accelerator
Description Speed invests cash in top-tier companies in the Mena region. It accepts startups at the idea and early stage.
Location Lebanon
Geographical scope Mena Region
Experiences in financing eco innovative projects Carpolo
Instruments Equity investment
Average investment – amount $30k in Kind , $30k cash

2. Investor Criteria

Scope of operations – Industry/tags Software, digital and web/mobile industries.
Phase of grow – business stage and target group of clients Early-stage and growth
Most important prerequisites for financing a project Speed is mainly interested in tech   innovation.
Most important barriers that prevent financing Non-tech project
Minimum investment required The quality of the team and the strength of their economic model.
Currently available financial products Consumer technology, consumer products and consumer services sectors, but also consider ventures in other areas, such as logistics, food processing, and hospitality, among others.

3. Contact details

Contact persons / emails info@speedlebanon.com
Address and telephone +961 1 649555 ext 6020-6021
Berytech Digital Park BDD 1294
Bechara El Khoury Street
Beirut Lebanon
Web site http://speedlebanon.com/